Contains:  Extremely wide field
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A Night Under the Stars, Ahmed Wegdan

A Night Under the Stars

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A Night Under the Stars, Ahmed Wegdan

A Night Under the Stars



Acquisition details



A Totally unplanned shot, but hey it turned out better than expected.

You always have to have a plan 

It was a 2 day trip, so my plan was:

Day 1-  dual setup on the Skywatcher SA 2II, a 200mm to shoot the Cat's Paw and Lobster, and the 11-16mm to shoot a wide field shot, and use @Mohamed Ezz Aldin's setup to shoot Rho Ophiuchi.
Day 2- Use the 11mm to make a milky way timelapse and continue shooting the Cat's Paw and Lobster nebulae.

But life has other plans 

As usual, things never go smoothly.

Day 1 - I had forgotten image stabilization on and that introduced vibrations. That and the mount tracked for 5 mins then decided not to work properly, but the wide field worked. On the other side the AZ GTI pointed at Rho Ophiuchi, the guiding was off and the shots were unusable, except briefly when it veered off to an empty patch of sky. which I later processed for the fun of it.

Day 2- The intervalometer for the time lapse kept stopping, so it had a lot of gaps *sigh*. The skywatcher SA 2ii totally refused to work.

A failed trip by all standards, Not Quite ....

Thankfully managed to put this Image together.
I have a pretty cool Jerky Time-lapse
Accidentally imaged LDN43,
Helped a Friend produce a beautiful Rho Ophiuchi.

One always has to remember, "While you can't control the hand you are dealt, but you sure as hell can control what you do with it"

Sky -21x180' (1h3m) @ iso 800
Land - Single iPhone 13 pro shot 

Thanks @Alaa El Bedewi for the Photoshop Tutorial, hope I was good student.



A Night Under the Stars, Ahmed Wegdan